World Bee Day
World Bee Day was celebrated on May 20th. On that day in 1734 Slovenian Anton Janša, the pioneer of beekeeping, was born. The purpose of the World Bee day is to acknowledge the role of bees and other pollinators for the ecosystem. At IP Performance we use CryptoBees to collate data for our Swarm Security product so we think its fitting to celebrate this day and let you know how our Bees differ from the ones you see in the wild…..Just like the wild Bee’s we have colonies that all have specific tasks and duties and report back into the Queen Bee so she can keep the swarm healthy by using the collated knowledge to protect her Colony and ward off any unwanted guests…we can also see where they went and what they did.
IP Performance enabled us to trial the system in a test environment and then between Dubai and Edinburgh. They provided us with full support and fast response to any problems.
Gavin Wilson, Systems Development Manager,
Heriot Watt University