What defines a computer network?
Do you have a network, or aren’t you sure?
In this day and age its difficult to determine whether you fit into any of the Industry defined categories of who or what you do with your IT equipment. Technically, two or more joined computers constitutes a network, even if its by WIFI, but we all know that in this day and age it really means shared information between more than two points, and if that is shared outside of the Local Area, or LAN, then nothing can be deemed safe. Well, we can help you with that because we are a Cyber Essentials Plus certified company who know all about the implications of being complacent or unaware of your obligations. Most of the people we talk to have no idea what fines are mandatory if they inadvertently fall foul of the new regulations but they are HUGE. For reference I have added a link to the summary fines, just click the image below.

Its probably hard to believe but even a printer can be a way of hacking into your network or office, we can show you examples. Once an attack is secured on one of your devices its very difficult to get rid of it as it spreads like a “virus” which I am sure it isn’t the first time you have heard that term associated with computers. Luckily we have several solutions to help you whether its our current vendors system or our in house Swarm product, we have a solution for you.
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Alex Israel, Senior Infrastructure Architect,
University of Plymouth